Wednesday, March 23, 2011




Intrapersonal theraphy sees man as the most superior among all creations. He has the superb capabilities and characteristics like no other. The innate ability to manage his own life and control his own self ia a gift from the Divine Providence. A God- given priviledge to have the power or control over one's mind and body is possessed by every human. As explained by Howard Gardner, Intrapersonal Intelligence is our cognitive ability to sense our “self”. It allows as to tap into our being -who we are, what feelings we have, and why we are this way. A strong intrapersonal intelligence can lead to self esteem, self enhancement, and strenght of character that can be used to solve problems.

Development of Maladaptive behavior is due to the failure viewing the “self” as the one incontrol of it. (of thinking, of acting and reacting, and of feeling) When man lets external factors like environment take control of him and begins to perceive himself as a passive, instead of being an active individual.

Intrapersonal therapy aims to make client learn to have proper management or control to himself. Consequently make him realize and decide what to learn and what not to learn, what to accept, what to reject, what to adapt and when to avoid, what to do and what not to do.These way, he will have only those things that would bring benefits and good effects to his life and would be able avoid those harmful, non beneficial and unnecessary.

The therapist's role under this approach is to serve as a kind listener as the client expresses himself. He must make the client feel free and comfortable in telling his or her problems and circumstances being encountered. The therapist will also serve as a guide towards independent problem solving and finally to boost self esteem thus strenghtening the clients personality as a whole.


a) Five Finger Formula ( 3F Revised )

Thumb = Self expression. (client) This is the first of the five finger. The therapist will let the cluent to talk and express himself. (the problems being encountered) As the client is talking, therapist is listening kindly attentively.

Pointer= Problem Identification. The therapist will only guide his client to identify what the real problem is, remember that therapist only guides and does not boldly or directly points out the conflict.

Tall Guy= Third step is to let the client think of different solutions toward the conflict. Let him enumerate a number of possible alternatives as he could. The therapist neither accept nor reject statements.

Ringer= Ring the best alternative.
The therapist guides the client in identifying which among the sited solutions fit the conflict the most.

Pinky= Application. The therapist will ask client to try it out and resolve the conflict independently. Therapist gives compliments and boost clients self esteem, while at the same time monitoring the clients activity.

The second method which could be used is “Developing Self Comprehension”. This done by asking clients open ended questions which allow them to explore things that have gone unnoticed. This way they would develop self- insight. This method is done the same way as the developing Self- Understanding used in Adlerian Therapy.

Interpersonal approach is very helpful and to the preschool teachers in hadling of Preschool Children. This could be used to guide towards achieving independence in their sge, and also in going against the development of inferiority complex which case cannot be avoided to occur.

Making the children realize that they have their personal strength and power of resolving conflicts on their own ia an empowering way to enhance respect for one self and increasing self esteem. This way these preschool children at their age could reflect that they need not to be always in control of a dominating peer. They would have feeling of sufficient respect for themselves and a deeper sense of trust to their own capabilities, hence enhancing their personal drive and motivation to achieve higher.

1 comment:

  1. hi sir Hector, finally im finished with the two tasks that you required us irregular students to submit to you.. hope its not yet too late for you to accept these. i honestly had a hard time accomplishing things for i am working.. and seriously i find it really not easy to comply to every requirements being asked to be accomplished simultaneously. meeting deadlines kills.. thank you for giving us considerations and maximum tolerance..:) vhangz here GOD BLESS you.. --- vhangz
